Since 1973 the US EPA has implemented Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) regulations governing above ground storage of petroleum product. These regulations were developed in an effort to prevent the release of petroleum product (oil spills) and are contained in 40 CFR 112.7.

Preparation of a SPCC plan is required for those facilities having an aggregate volume of petroleum storage greater than 1,320 gallons in 55-gallon containers or larger, including oil-filled transformers. The SPCC plan has a shelf-life of five years under current regulations and must be updated every five years, or whenever the petroleum storage at a facility changes.

The regulations require that the SPCC plan be prepared by a licensed engineer and that the plan provide guidance for prevention of releases of petroleum product, inspection of the containers used to store petroleum product, and the steps that should be taken in the event of a release. The SPCC plan also provides guidance regarding personnel training and record keeping as required by the federal SPCC regulation.

Our engineering staff have completed many SPCC plans for commercial and industrial facilities with aggregate storage of 1,320 gallons to greater than 200,000 gallons. We have also provided training regarding inspection and record keeping for several of these facilities.